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Tuesday 3 December 2013

Ceritera Cabut Gigi....sebuah kisah benar...

Salam everybody....dah mkn mlm? hari ni me nak cerita suatu topik yang diketahui KURENG digemari oleh sesape pun...kisah CABUT GIGI...

Well, me memang PALING TAKUT cabut gigi coz dulu mase kecik2 masa umur lebih krg 4-5 thn me pernah ikut arwah nenek me cabut gigi and it was a NIGHTMARE!! Lepas kena bius, me rasa mulut me BESAR gile and i kept looking at the mirror to see if my mouth had really turned BIG and the feeling was urgggggggghhhhhhhh.....since that time onwards i promised myself never to pay visits to dentist!

After 30 years ++, i began to have problems with my GIGI...i often suffered tooth-ache for  the last few months and it was just unbearable! Lastly, i had to break  my own promise when i finally paid a visit to a dentist this morning and now, i have another opinion-CABUT GIGI TAK SAKIT LANGSUNG...believe me guys!

So....moral of the story-dont hesitate to see your dentist..it pays!It really does...hehe....

Sunday 1 December 2013

listen to the rhythm of the falling rain....

good morning everybody...i woke up late today due to the heavy continuous rain since early morning..tu yang syokk tido..ta,bah2 lagi mlm tadi i tido lewat...bangun2 terus termenung, bila si kecik tembam debab menjerit2 mintak susu baru la terhegeh-hegeh pegi bancuh susu, lps tu terus prepare bekfes - roti sapu mentega je..hehehe...bukan apa, kids bangun lewat so xde sape nak makan, kalau masak pun diorg x lalu makan pagi2..tunggu tgh hari sikit baru nak masak nasi baru best mkn time2 hujan ni walaupun lauk telur aje...so will update later...see ya....mmuahhhhh...

waaa....mood gumbira walaupun hujan amat lebat di luar & pakaian dah 4 hari jemur x kering2...huhu...have a nice day u olls......

Burning the midnight oil for no specific reason...

ok, i'm not wasting anymore of my precious sleeping time...nite...whoopss..morning peeps..zzzzzz

Monday 3 December 2012

hi peeps..i'm goin' for a cuti2 malaysia...woohooo!!!

yeay yeay...merancang untuk pergi bercuti setelah semua kerja dah settle....tp x leh gi jejauh since penat nak travel by car with two babies (aged 24 months and 11 months) and two kids yang tak reti dok diam...perhaps go to places yg dekat2 dekat je la for a 3-day-and two-night stay....ada cadangan tak? for me, previously i loved to go to terengganu or to be exact ..Sutra Beach Resort....sangat best and the scenery is sooo breathtaking and i especially love the swimming pool yang nampak mcm eternity tu...so, mcm mane ek? maybe ke sana lagi untuk kesekian kalinya...senang...sbb dah tahu facilities dia mcm mana...x pyh pening2 kepala.....